baby animals

Babies Today!

I have a couple weeks’ worth of blogging to do in the next few days…I hope I can get around to it before I get hit by this week’s insanity.

But first!

I’ve been hoping a little alpaca would be born on one of the Junior Discovery class days (preferably when I was there, too…), and this morning I was out cleaning up the pasture with the two girls in the class when one of them pointed at a spot nearby and said “Is that a baby?” And sure enough, there was a tiny wet baby alpaca lying on the ground by its mom and being sniffed at by the OTHER summer babies. Awwwww.

Needless to say, we had to switch up the usual discovery class schedule to help out the baby, who was cold and wet and needed to be toweled off and dried with a hairdryer. She took her first steps within two hours of being born. Not too bad!