New England

Choate Sports: Football and Football

The football and soccer teams at my old high school played like polar opposites this weekend…football stomped all over NMH 54-7, but the boys’ soccer team lost 5-0 (I didn’t make it to the girls’ match. I’m hoping they fell on the stomping side of the spectrum).

I love how much closer you can get to the action at high school games. It makes up for only having a 70-200 to work with (regardless, most of these have been cropped).

Choate Sports: Field Hockey

I went up to my old high school today to practice some sports shooting, and had a great time roaming around all of the fields photographing whatever I felt like (such freedom!). It was a beautiful fall day, and the leaves have just reached their peak here in CT, so I tried to incorporate this into the photos whenever possible. I’ve missed New England falls…I haven’t been here during autumn for six years, and there’s really no place quite like it.

I’d never shot field hockey before (well, I’ve shot pre-season training. Not the same thing), and decided right away to stop by that game. And I can always, always use practice photographing soccer and football, so I went by those matches as well…I missed the water polo and volleyball games, unfortunately, but I’m planning to go back up to Choate later this week when they play again. Water polo should be especially fun.

Anyway, these are my field hockey photos- the field is in a little valley, so I had a great angle for shooting just by standing on top of the hill. This is a very strange sport; I don’t know how the girls don’t all break down with back problems. Plus, they’re wearing sneakers, not cleats, which I found odd (maybe it’s because they were playing on the brand-new turf field and didn’t want to mess it up? Discuss). I did find it easier to shoot than the last first-time sport I shot (lacrosse) though, which was nice.

…one of those times when you go through your take and wish you’d just stepped a foot over to the left. Argh!

I started playing a little with depth of field after a while, and I can’t decide which of these two photos I like best (I am leaning towards #2, but I think #1 definitely has merit, too). Thoughts welcome!

Absolutely Engaging

My college roommate Kim got engaged this past weekend! In a truly fantastic turn of events, the proposal happened in Rhode Island, where she and her now-fiancĂ© were visiting his family. I had been planning to do an overnight trip over there for a month or so, because I never get to see Kim anymore due to the fact that I’m no longer in Texas.

I asked Kim and Nate if I could take engagement photos for them while I was visiting; I’d never done that sort of photography before (I didn’t even know such a thing as engagement photos existed until a couple years ago…) and wanted to practice. Portraits have never been my strong suit, but I do tend to do a lot better when I actually know the people!

We really lucked out with the weather, because it was overcast during the morning we took the photos- no harsh shadows to worry about, just beautiful, even lighting. I kept rambling on about this for the rest of the day after the sun finally decided to come out. I’m pretty sure Kim and Nate thought I was crazy

I sent off about 200 photos total (half color, half converted to b&w). These are a few selects, shot with my 20mm and 70-200mm. My 50mm, the obvious choice, decided to act up and refuse to focus on anything (even on manual setting). I’ll be sending it off for repairs soon…

Unintentional “J. Crew models” photo! I doubt it’ll ever make the wedding announcement, but I love the SENSE OF DRAMA.

Nature Boy

This is our dog O’Lio’s first spring in the house, and he’s not used to my mom’s garden plants blocking his view of the neighboring yards.

Not that this has really put a damper on his explorations: