I have been to a few graduations in the past several years, but for the most part- they’ve all been mine. With the exception of my cousin’s eighth-grade graduation five years ago, I didn’t ever find myself on the audience side of things.
But on Sunday, that same cousin who I watched enter high school is now leaving it and moving on to other things in life (hello, gap year!). I was so relieved that I didn’t have to cover the event for the Gazette, because, frankly, all I wanted to do was take photos of Seneca, since it was her day and all. Sometimes you just want to be the family, not the photographer.

Guess who had the bare feet!

I still took some photos during the processional and seating, though. Then I went back to the family and enjoyed the rest of the show.

Not Seneca. This person just happened to be looking near me when I took the crowd shot.