My college roommate Kim got engaged this past weekend! In a truly fantastic turn of events, the proposal happened in Rhode Island, where she and her now-fiancĂ© were visiting his family. I had been planning to do an overnight trip over there for a month or so, because I never get to see Kim anymore due to the fact that I’m no longer in Texas.
I asked Kim and Nate if I could take engagement photos for them while I was visiting; I’d never done that sort of photography before (I didn’t even know such a thing as engagement photos existed until a couple years ago…) and wanted to practice. Portraits have never been my strong suit, but I do tend to do a lot better when I actually know the people!
We really lucked out with the weather, because it was overcast during the morning we took the photos- no harsh shadows to worry about, just beautiful, even lighting. I kept rambling on about this for the rest of the day after the sun finally decided to come out. I’m pretty sure Kim and Nate thought I was crazy
I sent off about 200 photos total (half color, half converted to b&w). These are a few selects, shot with my 20mm and 70-200mm. My 50mm, the obvious choice, decided to act up and refuse to focus on anything (even on manual setting). I’ll be sending it off for repairs soon…

Unintentional “J. Crew models” photo! I doubt it’ll ever make the wedding announcement, but I love the SENSE OF DRAMA.