I had really been hoping they wouldn’t fill the outdoor pool at the Rec Center before I could get pictures of people tanning around an empty hole in the ground, but, of course, by the time I actually got over there with a camera, it had already been filled for the season. Oh well. I took this picture anyway (before an employee spotted me and made me leave). It reminds me of some sort of elite Miami Beach hideaway or hotel.

As for other enterprise ideas, I’m hoping to get out into Columbia sometime towards the end of one of my shifts (6pm-ish), when the light is excellent, and find some subjects. I saw some kids playing pickup soccer over by the ARC today; if they do that regularly, that would make a good feature photo. Actually, there’s a surprising amout of events at the ARC that the Missourian doesn’t cover, so that whole area is probably a good place to start for enterprise things.
I found a subject for my first grad component–she’s the newest member of Columbia’s improv troupe–and wish I had more time to work with her on this project (it’s due Monday), but I’ll work with what I have (and will have, after Saturday), and hopefully make a good presentation. I started thinking about other potential subjects, since I’d like to get more of a jump on the next grad component phase, and so far am still liking the over-50 softball player idea, as well as the professional bagpiper idea, the interpreter-for-the-deaf idea, and the wedding-cake-maker idea. I’ll start exploring all of these further as soon as this weekend (which is going to be insane) is over.
Also, in super exciting news, I bought a new camera! Yay! It’s a Canon 50D– I couldn’t make the switch to Nikon after all, mostly because I couldn’t justify buying a new camera AND strobe AND telephoto lens when I already had the latter two. I probably didn’t absolutely NEED new gear, but I wanted to make the upgrade before I go to California in three weeks, and didn’t feel like waiting any more (mostly I’m just excited about going to CA). I’m also relieved to have my own gear around a a backup to the Missourian equipment….I made the mistake of using a D2H last weekend, without realizing that that camera has a terrible, terrible megapixel count and can’t handle high ISOs. Ugh. Better to avoid ever having to use it again.
I get to go shoot a catfish tournament this weekend! I don’t think there will be noodling (from what I can tell, it’s just standard rod-and-reel fishing), but I’m still looking forward to it. I think one of my favorite things about Staff is how many opportunities I’ve had to get out of Columbia and explore. Reporters with cars are awesome.