(19) People without People

Some photographs answer questions. Others raise them.

For those not in the J-School, these photos were both taken in the bathroom on the first floor of RJI. In the same stall, actually. There are so many questions arising from the photos (I mean this unsarcastically) that I had to take and share them.

I should note that the presence of the urinal here is actually the least puzzling of all. I’m assuming it’s part of the Mizzou initiative to provide for its transgender population, since RJI was completed approximately around the time this motion was approved. (I could be wrong, though, so don’t hold me to that).

But why is there a coffee cup in the stall in the first place? Why are there TWO? They’re not even from the same establishment—one has a black lid and one has a white lid; one has a hand protector (what are those cardboard things called?), and one doesn’t. And who brings coffee (or tea) into the restroom with them, anyway? I suppose maybe I could understand this if you were in an airport or something, because I wouldn’t want to leave my drink unattended in a public place. But people leave stuff out all the time in RJI. Besides that, why would you leave the cup behind? If it is in fact empty, why couldn’t itsimply have been thrown in the trash? I just don’t get it.

I guess some things are beyond my ken.

(note: Yes, the cup is out of focus in the second image. I am duly ashamed for not seeing this when I took it and thus for not correcting the error. But I had to post it anyway).

1 Response

  1. Maybe the person forgot about it then figured it wasn’t worth going back for. And I believe that newspapers, cups, umbrellas, books are acceptable items to bring in a restroom. (Although I wouldn’t.)

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