July 4

Night of the Fourth

Some hours after the parade, there are also Fourth of July fireworks in Edgartown. I will be completely honest and say they aren’t as good as the August fireworks in Oak Bluffs, but it was still a good show.

I used a dock post as a tripod, opened the shutter for half a second at f/2.8, and this happened:

More interested in taking picture of people taking pictures than in the fireworks themselves…

I sat on the luggage rack of the bus on the ride home because it was so crowded inside:


The parade in Edgartown on the Fourth of July is a Big Deal here. I had never been before; I don’t usually come to the Vineyard until August, and have missed the action. I was one of two photographers assigned to cover it this year.

It’s hard to cover events like these because I always feel trapped in cliches. I know what the paper is going to want to run (kids, veterans and flags), and I know I have to shoot those things…but I feel like I should be doing something MORE, and then when I don’t, the assignment seems like a wasted opportunity.

But despite feeling like I didn’t do enough, I did take a photo that combines the three above things, and it was the one that ran on the front page. Which is pretty sweet, because the photo was about 11×6 in print and I haven’t yet gotten over seeing images THAT big in the newspaper.


Some of the other parade images:

Bagpipes- not a hit with everybody:

I took this mostly because I long for the day when rollerblades will be back en vogue and was so excited to see them IN A PARADE:



I was so sad this didn’t make it into the paper. The dog (she was an Irish Wolfhound) was about as tall as her owner. Adorable:

These looked better in black and white. They’re lens-flarey, but I like them anyway:


Post-parade exhaustion: